Join us for a new series of Thursday bird walks with Tricia Ford of the Shasta Birding Society. Every walk will feature a discussion of a birding skill and/or a hot topic in the world of birding. Beginning birdwatchers are especially encouraged to join us in learning to identify the large variety of avian life in the area.
The February 15 walk will discuss how and why to use eBird, a free app for your cell phone that can keep track of all your birding adventures and allow you to participate in community science.
We will meet each month at the for a leisurely two-hour stroll along the Sacramento River Trail. Meet at the Turtle Bay Redding Boat Launch, located behind the Redding Civic Auditorium (Map: Join us for a leisurely two-hour stroll on both paved and gravel trails. Bathrooms can be found at three locations along the way.
Binoculars are available to borrow, and instructions will be provided for their use. Rain will cancel. Contact Tricia Ford at for more information.