Rock Pigeon
Doves versus pigeons – is there really a difference between the two? Why is one a beloved symbol of peace and the other often a reviled city nuisance? They both belong to the same family of birds, Columbidae. Can we see all four species of Columbiformes present in Shasta County on one bird walk?
Find out the answers to these questions by joining Wintu Audubon Education Chair Tricia Ford on Thursday, February 9 at 9am for a walk along the John Reginato River Access Trail, which begins near the canoe and kayak launch area at the South Bonnyview boat ramp, 3810 South Bonnyview Road. We will spend about two hours walking less than two miles on a rocky path with river cobblestones. Hiking boots are recommended. There is a port-a-potty at the boat ramp.
This is the fifth in a series of eight walks, one per month from October through May, exploring City of Redding parks and trails for opportunities to see birds. If it is raining at the site at the start time of the walk, the event will be canceled. Contact for more information.