This very successful count features much public land with ample opportunities for walking. Meet at the amphitheater parking lot in Anderson River Park for assignments from the Compiler, Brooke McDonald, Compilation dinner will be at Humble Joe’s, 2631 Balls Ferry Road, Anderson at 5 pm..
Tag Archives | birding
Wintu Audubon Fall River Valley Outing
Always a high species number destination, the Valley is a great place to see wintering raptors, various waterbirds and Sandhill Cranes. Meet your leader Larry Jordan at the Redding Convention Center at 7:30 sharp to carpool. Be ready for a full day with a lunch and water. Dress for changing weather. East-county participants can join the group at either the Park and Ride at the intersection of Hwy. 299 and 89 at 9 am or the Fall River Vista at 9:30 am. Rarities are possible! Contact Larry for more information at 949-5266.
Discover Birding at Turtle Bay
Our youth/beginner bird walks are conducted at Turtle Bay on the first Saturday of every month throughout the year. Wintu Audubon can provide binoculars and field guides. Call Roberta Winchell at 945-8342 with questions or for more information. We assemble at the Venture Properties parking lot, the first left before the Redding Civic Auditorium.
Wintu Audubon Presents Birding Colombia
Colombia is a country of over 49 million people, most of whom live at very high elevations. Over 2,000 species of birds have been recorded there, 87 of which are endemic to that country. Harvey and Jeannette Carroll traveled to Colombia in January 2017 and enjoyed seeing over 500 species of birds. Twenty-seven of them were endemics. The geography, people and flora and fauna of Colombia are fascinating. The Carrolls will present a cross-section of the beautiful birds they encountered plus a discussion of the country itself.
Discover Birding at Turtle Bay
Our youth/beginner bird walks are conducted on the first Saturday throughout the year. Wintu Audubon can provide binoculars and field guides. Call Dan Greaney, 276-9693, with questions or for more information. Meet at Venture Properties parking lot. Take the first left before the Redding Civic Auditorium.