Tag Archives | birding

Caldwell Park and Lake Redding Park

Common Goldeneye Drake

Join Wintu Audubon Society for a bird walk on the Sacramento River Trail as it crosses through Caldwell Park and Lake Redding Park. We will cover about a mile and back of waterfront as we identify “Winter Waterbirds of Redding,” the theme for this month’s adventure in our city parks. This will be the third in a series of eight walks, one per month from October through May. Wintu Audubon Education Chair Tricia Ford will lead the easy and accessible one and a half hour trip along the cement walkway. Meet at 9am on Thursday, December 8th, in the parking lot behind North Valley Art League, located at 48 Quartz Hill Road. Restrooms and drinking fountains are available at the boat launch. For more information, email triciathebirdnerd@gmail.com.


Winter Birding the Mendocino Coast

Mild winters and varied habitats make the Mendocino coast a hot-spot for winter birding. On our Christmas Bird Counts we typically find between 130 and 150 species in a single day. David and Tim will review some of the birds that winter here, focusing on those that can be difficult to distinguish or are easily missed, and emphasizing the connection to habitat. Learn to identify those mysterious sounds in the treetops, how to quickly distinguish which “little brown job” is hopping through the bushes, and what to look for when a raptor flies past you.

This is always a fun and informative presentation that helps us prepare for the Christmas Bird Count season, but even if you don’t take part in the Counts, you are sure to learn something that will help you enjoy the birds around us.

David and Tim are the compilers of the Manchester and Fort Bragg Christmas Bird Counts, and also past and current Presidents of the Mendocino Coast Audubon Society.

Register for the meeting at www.mendocinocoastaudubon.org


Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

We are again scheduling a visit to the ponds targeting wintering waterfowl and very early migrating shorebirds. We hope that the winter rains will provide abundant open water and muddy shorelines for these species. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am to meet your leader, Larry Jordan. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good. Directions to the Clear Creek Plant: Take Hwy 273 and look for River Ranch Road after crossing Clear Creek. Cross over the Railroad tracks and turn left on Eastside Rd. Entrance is on Metz Road on the right.

*All participants, ages 5 and older, must provide proof that they are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours prior to the field trip. Participants must practice social
distancing when outdoors on field trips and must wear masks and practice social distancing while indoors. Participation is not currently allowed for persons under the age of 5.


Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Birding Opportunities

Join us as David Byers discusses local BLM lands available for public exploration in the pursuit of birds and possible projects in 2022 that could be available for participation with the community including volunteerism, interpretive programs, and educational opportunities.

David is a Park Ranger with the Bureau of Land Management, working to improve the recreation experience on public lands and strengthen community partnerships. Previously he worked on developing eco-tourism opportunities in Panama of Central America, including working with indigenous communities to lead birding trips in the rain forest. He is a budding birder, never leaving home without his binoculars. day configuration. Kim oversees Recreation, Park, Trails and Open Space Planning & Development, Parks Maintenance, Libraries, Communications and Public Art.


The History of Nur Pon Open Space

Nur Pon Open Space

Join us for this month’s presentation as Kim Niemer, the City of Redding Community Services Director, presents the history of the Nur Pon Open Space (previously known as Henderson Open Space) from its historical use and the challenges and successes over the last ten years, to its present day configuration. Kim oversees Recreation, Park, Trails and Open Space Planning & Development, Parks Maintenance, Libraries, Communications and Public Art. She administers the management agreements for the Civic Auditorium, Big League Dreams and the Redding Soccer Park.

Zoom link below.


When you login to our Zoom meetings you will be placed into a waiting room until the meeting begins. Participants are muted upon entry but are welcome to unmute themselves before the meeting begins. Once the presentation begins, you can type a question into chat. A moderator will control the order of your questions. The link to the presentation can also be found on the calendar page of our website.

All of our presentations will be posted on our YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/WintuAudubonSociety where you can also find several bird videos.