Our mild winters and varied habitats mean we get to enjoy a wide variety of birds all winter long. Some are familiar and obvious; others are furtive and tricky to identify. David and Tim will present a visual and audio guide to some of the birds that winter here, focusing on those that can be difficult to distinguish or are easily missed, and emphasizing the connection to habitat.
Learn to identify those mysterious sounds in the treetops, how to quickly distinguish which “little brown job” is hopping through the bushes, and what to look for when a raptor flies past you. This is always a fun and informative presentation that helps us all get ready for the Christmas Bird Count season. Even if you don’t take part in the Counts, you are sure to learn something that will help you enjoy the birds around us.
David and Tim are the compilers of the Manchester and Fort Bragg Christmas Bird Counts, and also past and current Presidents of the Mendocino Coast Audubon Society.
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