Tag Archives | birding

Family/Beginner Bird Walk at Turtle Bay

We invite beginners of all ages to our introductory walks on the first Saturday of each month. The walks begin at 9am and meet in the parking lot near the Monolith structure at the South end of the Sheraton Hotel. Binoculars and field guides will be available to loan. Call Roberta Winchell, 530-945-8342, for more information.


Discover Birding at Turtle Bay

Our youth/beginner bird walks are conducted on the first Saturday of every month September through June at Turtle Bay. Wintu Audubon can provide binoculars and field guides. Call Jody Greaney, 276.9693, for more information. We meet at the Monolith parking lot next to the new Sheraton Hotel at Turtle Bay.


2018 Grebe Festival

Turn up your senses, look all around the sky and horizon including the tops of trees and the ground for traces of wildlife. Join us for the Plumas Audubon Grebe Festival.


2018 Central Valley Birding Symposium

Judged by many as one of the premier birding events in the West, the CVBS is hosted by the Central Valley Bird Club. We have well-known speakers, multiple field trips, artists’ displays, vendors and birders. The number of participants usually reaches near complete capacity so plan to register early if you want to attend. Click on the link below to proceed to this year’s symposium website-additional questions can be directed to Susie Nishio

Registration opens Friday, August 24th at 6pm 


Wintu Audubon Annual Picnic

Join us at the last general meeting before our summer hiatus at a bring-your-own picnic at the Camden House (Tower House) at Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. We will enjoy good birding and fellowship in this lovely setting. The parking lot for the Camden House is on the left side of Hwy. 299W just before the turnoff to French Gulch. Park passes are required, so some members may wish to carpool with others who have a seasonal or permanent pass by assembling at Prestige Urgent Care at Eureka Way (Hwy 299W) & Buenaventura in Redding at 5:30 pm. Questions? Contact Dan Greaney, 276-9693.