Tag Archives | birding

Second Saturday Bird Walk at Battle Creek State Wildlife Area

Battle Creek State Wildlife Area has Riparian and wetlands habitat that ensures a great variety for birding. During this 1/2 – day trip we expect to see a good variety of winter passerines, Bald Eagles, rails and ducks. Wear sturdy shoes. Trails are groomed but ground is uneven. Meet Bill Oliver, 941-7741, at the parking lot at Battle Creek Wildlife Area, reached by taking Hwy 5 or Hwy 273 south to Anderson, turning off at the Outlet Mall and following the signs east to Coleman Fish Hatchery.


Local Weekday Bird Walk at
 Anderson River Park

This walk through beautiful Anderson River Park will be lead by Linda Aldrich, 223-5341. Meet at the Anderson River Park Amphitheater parking lot. The river access, ponds, marsh, riparian and oak woodlands are all accessible by an extensive trail system. All varieties of avian life are found here from waterfowl and Bald Eagles to California Scrub-Jays and warblers.


Snow Goose Festival of the Pacific Flyway

This action-packed 5-day event celebrates the remarkable journey of millions of waterfowl and raptors along the Pacific Flyway that call the Northern Sacramento Valley their home during the winter months. Registration is now open! Choose from over 70 field trips and workshops that are sure to appeal to a wide variety of interests and ability levels. In addition to numerous bird-watching field trips for waterfowl, cranes, raptors and songbirds, you might choose to take a guided tour of a nature preserve, visit a local vineyard, or hike the scenic Sutter Buttes in search of lofty views and resident wildlife.

If you have any questions, you can reach us at info@snowgoosefestival.org, or by calling the Festival Office at 530-592-9092. You can download a PDF of the Festival program here.


Red Bluff Christmas Bird Count

Meet in the parking lot at 460 Antelope Blvd (northwest of Chestnut traffic light) for assignments. Compilation at 5 pm at M&M Ranch House, 645 Antelope Blvd. Please call if you are coming and what area you prefer. Contact Karen Scheuermann, karens2020@gmail.com, 530-347-1687


Redding Christmas Bird Count

We have compiled 43 years of continuous records from this grand daddy of the local counts that began in 1975 in its current location. Assignments will be given in front of the main entrance to the Redding Civic Auditorium. We will assemble at 5 pm at Lulu’s Restaurant, 2230 Pine St., Redding (530-243-6251) for dinner and compilation. Contact Bill Oliver wwoliver9@gmail.com for more information.