We have a couple of great presenters for you this month, Dan Bye and Julie Doerr. Also, make sure you get your photos submitted by Tuesday, March 4th. Submit up to three images HERE!
Hogsback Road (West End), Red Bluff, Ca (Our Diamond in the Rough) – Daniel Bye began his interest in birdwatching while attending Natural Resource courses at Shasta College in 1980. New knowledge on field studies and field trips really sparked a tremendous appreciation of the natural world and created a great respect for the world of birds and the vital role they play in all ecosystems. He would make time for birding through the 90’s which was challenging while raising a family and keeping pace with his career. A few years after Y2K, and a move to Red Bluff provided more freedom to pick up that pace to become a better birder. The goal was always the same, find great locations to make observations, and pay attention to each species behavior, habits, habitat, and zero in on a proper identification.
In 2014, Daniel discovered Merlin and eBird, two applications developed by Cornell Ornithology Labs. It was a gamechanger and an easy path to becoming an eBirder. These apps opened a huge opportunity to advance more into Citizen Science. Photography has always been an extension to birding. Daniel started out with a digiscope setup, which works great when your subject is willing to sit still long enough to position a scope and mount a smart phone with an adapter to snap photos. Eventually it was time to upgrade to digital photography. The learning curve has been long but a camera is a great tool to a birder when the subject is just a little out of reach and when you need an advantage on that positive ID. The world of photography is a great forum of enjoyment when the subject you have photographed is poised in nature in a way it was intended to be seen.
A Chance Encounter with a Wandering White Wagtail – In October 2024 Julie was birding in Humboldt County and came upon a White Wagtail. Her presentation will cover the discovery and identification of the Wagtail, birding strategies and tools used, the power of social media, lessons learned about birding etiquette, and an introduction to the Humboldt area birding community.
Shasta Birding Society is inviting you to a scheduled hybrid Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shasta Birding Society Photo Contest
Time: Mar 12, 2025 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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