Due to the pandemic, this year’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be unlike any other in the count’s 120-year history – but it will happen! Veteran CBCer, Ken Burton, will lead an interactive discussion of various aspects of the CBC including its history, methodology, and scientific value; this year’s modified protocols; tips for counters, especially effort tracking and estimating bird numbers; local counting opportunities; and bird identification as requested. The content and direction of the program will be driven largely by participant input. We can discuss anything relevant to the count; what would make you a better counter? The program will conclude with an opportunity to share a few of your local bird photos from the past year, so pick out your favorites!
Ken Burton has been deeply involved with RRAS since moving here in 2005. He is the author of Common Birds of Northwest California and A Birding Guide to Humboldt County, both published by RRAS. He coordinates the chapter’s Saturday morning Arcata Marsh walk program. He has participated in the CBC almost every year since the mid 1970s, including counts in Arizona, California, Indiana, Mexico, and New York.
Visit rras.org to find out how to get involved with the CBC this year.
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