We are again scheduling a visit to the ponds targeting waterfowl, shorebirds and migrating warblers. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am to meet your leader, Larry Jordan. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good. Directions to the Clear Creek Plant: Take Hwy 273 and look for River Ranch Road after crossing Clear Creek. Cross over the Railroad tracks and turn left on Eastside Rd. Entrance is on Metz Road on the right.
Tag Archives | birds
Clover Creek Preserve
This preserve within the Redding city limits has a large, permanent pond with a marsh of cattails and reeds, shallow winter pools and uplands planted with oaks. We hope to see grassland species such as the Northern Harrier, Western Meadowlark, Say’s Phoebe and Western Bluebird, as well as a variety of ducks.
Meet at 8am at the preserve, 3705 Shasta View Drive, at the main parking lot. We will spend about two hours walking less than two miles on a paved trail. There is a port-a-potty located in the parking lot and a full restroom at the nearby Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers Club.
Contact trip leader Tricia Ford at triciathebirdnerd@gmail.com for more information.
Eared Grebes Tone Things Down for Winter
There is, apparently, a lot to be said for having a time of rest: trees drop their leaves and go dormant; fungi retreat underground; insects wrap in cocoons, and chipmunks hibernate; lizards and turtles brumate – the reptilian version of hibernating; we humans developed a Sabbath, and weekends.
Birds, however, are largely committed to being lightweight and active. Hibernation and weekends are not options for them. Some smaller birds and nightjars can lower their metabolism to sleep through a cold night or even longer harsh conditions, but mostly birds survive tough weather by either migrating away or foraging voraciously.
Eared grebes, however, have found another way to amplify the benefits of rest.
Out on our lakes and rivers, they are in their resting mode right now. As many birds do, they have toned down their social demands, dropping their extravagant yellow plumes of breeding plumage–their “ears”–and the showy dances that go with them. They wear plain black and white now. They are not singing, and scarcely even talking, spending their time in loose solitude. Most stunningly, they cannot even fly.
For 9-10 months of the year, eared grebes don’t need to take wing. They need to feed–for themselves in winter, for their young in the spring. So they give up flying for extended periods of the year. Their flight muscles shrink, and their digestive organs grow. They eat and they rest. The invertebrates of open water in places like Turtle Bay and along Park Marina become their meals and muscle. The water itself is their home and refuge. The birds don’t hibernate, but they eat and store their calories with high efficiency.
Spring will call soon. Then the eared grebes’ pectoral flight muscles will grow, and the winter’s rest and food storage will power their flights. First they will wing their way to either Mono Lake on the east side of the Sierras or the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Those two lakes act as a staging ground for 99% of all the eared grebes in North America. They are rich in brine shrimp, and the grebes feed voluminously. The more shrimp they swallow, the greater their reproductive success.
Well fed, the grebe flight muscles again develop and they fan northward to nest in freshwater and saline lakes from northern California up through central Alberta and Saskatchewan. There they will court with elaborate dances on the water.
Well built for swimming, with their feet located back toward their tails, grebes are awkward, essentially crippled, on land. Following their successful aquatic-dance courtships, they will build floating nests in cattails or similar vegetation. Depending in part on the density of brine shrimp in their staging ground lake, the grebes will raise one to eight chicks.
The chicks are quickly active, diving and hiding just an hour after hatching. But they are also not above taking warm rides on their parents’ backs. Eared grebe parents will join with neighboring nesters to share their parental duties.
As summer progresses the young will be increasingly on their own. By September they will have developed the strength to fly to one of the great saline lakes of the American west, where they can continue the cycle of losing their flight muscles, and feeding and resting.
Dye Creek Preserve Outing
Located in the foothills below Mount Lassen, the 37,540-acre Gray Davis Dye Creek Preserve is an expansive landscape of blue oak woodlands, volcanic buttes, and rolling wildflower fields. The landscape is dissected dramatically by Dye Creek Canyon with its vertical cliffs, clear-water creek, and diverse riparian forests. The forest widens as it leaves the canyon mouth and flows westward, through wetlands, to its confluence with the Sacramento River. Join Larry Jordan, trip leader, for a hike up Dye Creek Canyon. Golden Eagles, Peregrine Falcons and Canyon Wrens are a possibility. Wild flowers should be abundant. The three mile trail is rough so be prepared. Bring water, a lunch, and sturdy shoes for this all day outing. Meet at 7:30 sharp at the Kutras Park on Park Marina Drive to caravan and bring a lunch for this full-day trip. We will bird along Foothill Road on the way with each vehicle having a walkie-talkie to communicate birds seen.
*Participants are required to have proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and sign a Wintu Audubon waiver as well as the Nature Conservancy waiver.
Magee Marsh – “The Biggest Week in American Birding”
Judee and Bill Adams first attended the Biggest Week in American Birding in May of 2013. They were so blown away with the abundance and variety of birds seen, that they have returned 4 more times. They will be giving us all the particulars and sharing pictures of the gorgeous birds they saw on those trips.
Wintu Audubon Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Magee Marsh – The Biggest Week in American Birding
Time: Mar 9, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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