Tag Archives | conservation

Homes for Birds, Yard by Yard

Hermit Thrush

Hermit Thrush

For birds, yard after yard after yard adds up to a lot of potential homes. Backyard sanctuaries are pleasant for people, too, and fairly easy to provide. Just consider the basic elements of habitat: food, water, and shelter.

Providing food does not require filling feeders. Feeders can be fun because they draw birds for easy viewing, but they also require periodic cleaning to minimize spreading disease—say, once a month with a nine to one water to bleach solution. Hummingbird feeders require cleaning and refreshing every 2-3 days in the summer.

Plants will feed birds with less fuss. Berries and seeds on shrubs, grasses, and trees are all natural food supplies. Flowers, especially tubular ones like fuchsia and penstemon, offer nectar to hummingbirds. Benign neglect of gardens leaves old seedheads for winter consumption and unraked leaves for scratching through for the food they hold. Even without bird-edible fruits and seeds, plants feed insects, which become the main source of protein for songbirds around the world. Native plants are usually best, as they have evolved with the birds and insects of the area and usually support them most effectively.

Cedar Waxwing and American Robin

Cedar Waxwing and American Robin

Of course, avoid pesticides and herbicides. At worst they poison the birds, and at best they kill off the birds’ food source.

Plants also offer shelter. Some birds roost high in trees, others in shrubs, still others on the ground under brush. If décor and fire safety call for pruning up, consider retaining some low shrubbery for sparrows or quail. Woodpeckers carve numerous holes in dead wood, creating homes used by many bird species. You may choose not to leave whole snags standing, but just a standing trunk can invite excavations that bluebirds, wrens, flycatchers, titmice, nuthatches, and swallows will readily use.

Western Bluebird Male

Western Bluebird Male

Those familiar cavity-nesters will also use home-made nesting boxes. To find bird-house directions, at wintuaudubon.org see Places to bird/Attracting birds. In our area, it’s best to mount your birdhouses in shaded areas.

Ash-Throated Flycatcher

Ash-Throated Flycatcher

Of course, ensure that your yard is as feline-free as possible. Outdoor cats kill 15-20% of North American birds every year, including nearly 50% of suburban fledglings.

Water remains the elixir of life. A shallow pan, refreshed every day, makes an easy start. A trickle of running water invites many more visits. Small pumps are inexpensive and can run a home-made fountain if electricity is safely available. For permanent pools, mosquito-fish are available from Shasta County at (530) 365-3768.

Consider commercial fountains carefully. Songbirds prefer shallow puddles; a sloping edge will accommodate birds of different sizes for both drinking and bathing. Steep edges inhibit use.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Birds have lost vast swathes of former habitat. The wildfires are hardly the worst of it. If we can curb the super-sizing of them, fires are natural, and the cycle of light burn and fresh regrowth benefits many species. The more devastating disruption is the permanent and widespread habitat conversion of historical oak woodlands, wildflower fields, and riparian meanders into row crops, monoculture orchards and tree farms, pavement, and buildings. Now climate change is expected to further eliminate half the seasonal range of 314 North American bird species. It’s a tough time to be dependent on an ecosystem.

We can shape our yards to offer the food, water, and shelter that will help many birds still find homes.


Cal Fire’s Statewide Biologist Focuses on Forest Practices

You’ve heard plenty about wildfires, but you haven’t heard it from Stacy Stanish, CalFire’s statewide biologist focusing on forest practices.  What is the interplay of fires, public health, climate change, timber production, and wildlife habitat?  We’ve asked Stacy to give us her insight into these inter-related and important pieces of life in the North State.  Come take this opportunity to build our own insight!


Made In The Shade

This film will be shown Friday, September 21st at 6:30pm at the First United Methodist Church, 1825 East St., Redding.  It is a documentary of how a group of Sacramento citizens in cooperation with the City of Sacramento and the Sacramento Municipal Utility District over a period of about 35 years planted almost 600,000 trees in an effort to provide more shade to the city and reduce the utilities peak electric demand from summer air conditioning as well as create an urban forest.  At the same time, these trees removed perhaps as much as 200,000 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, carbon which is now stored in the trees.  As the trees grow, more CO2 will be fixed in the trees.  The people who produced the film, all tree advocates will be in Redding on September 21st to show the film and explain how they did it.
To supplement this talk and make it relevant to Redding, Travis Menne of Redding Community Services will explain how the City of Redding has already planted 1,200 trees and are doing 1,000 more this fall, and 2,000 through 2019-2020 He will also discuss a recent grant from CalFire which will allow the City to plant more street trees in downtown Redding.  Redding has a Re-Oak program to replace trees burned along our trails and in open spaces. Travis will discuss the acorn collection and planting of oak trees following the Carr Fire.
Questions from the audience and a panel discussion following the film show how Redding can start a large tree planting program and get a new Tree Ordinance that protects our native oaks.

Wintu Audubon Presents “The Messenger”

We will be screening the documentary “The Messenger,” in which Filmmaker Stu Rynard explores humanity’s deep connection to birds and the effects man-made hazards have had on their populations. On one level, THE MESSENGER is an engaging, visually stunning, emotional journey, one that mixes its elegiac message with hopeful notes and unique glances into the influence of songbirds on our own expressions of the soul. On another level, THE MESSENGER is the artful story about the mass depletion of songbirds on multiple continents, and about those who are working to turn the tide. In ancient times humans looked to the flight and songs of birds to protect the future. Today once again, birds have something to tell us.


Dr. Brett Furnas of the CDFW Discusses Ongoing Songbird Surveys

Mountain Bluebird

Dr. Brett Furnas of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will discuss ongoing multi-species songbird surveys that use automated recording devices at over a hundred sites each year across public and private forestlands throughout northern California. The purpose of this long term project is to monitor population trends and to be able to link changes to land use or climate change for informing conservation planning.