Tag Archives | local weekday bird walk

Cascade Community Park Bird Walk

Western Bluebird Female
Join Education Chair Tricia Ford for a bird walk around Cascade Park on Thursday, November 10 at 9:00 am. This 27-acre park is located at the end of Girvan Road east of Highway 273 and borders the Sacramento River at the confluence of Olney Creek. The paved trail has several dirt paths, providing access to the river and the mouth of the creek. This will be the second in a series of eight walks, one per month from October through May, exploring bird watching in the parks and trails operated by the City of Redding. The theme of this walk will be the importance of mistletoe to birds of the oak woodland. The easy 1-mile walk will take about two hours. The park has restrooms and a drinking fountain. For more information, email triciathebirdnerd@gmail.com.


Local Weekday Bird Walk at Lema Ranch

Lema Ranch offers a variety of habitats, from ponds to open fields, to woodlands attracting many species of birds. In February, the winter ducks (sometimes including the exquisite Hooded Merganser) and winter sparrows will still be lingering and the earliest spring migrants may have begun to appear, such as Tree Swallow. A specialty of the park is Common Gallinule. Larry Jordan’s bluebird trail produces (sometimes numerous) Western Bluebirds. Various raptor species are possible such as American Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawk and Merlin. Please join trip leader Sally NeSmith in the parking lot reached from Shasta View to Hemingway at 8:00 am for an interesting mid-week bird walk.


Local Weekday Bird Walk at Turtle Bay Exploration Park Arboretum

Meet trip leader Sally NeSmith (831-535-2888) at the Carl & Leah McConnell gate (Arboretum Drive off of North Market) for a meander through the Arboretum, over the Sundial Bridge and back along the river trail. Acorn Woodpeckers, Anna’s Hummingbirds, towhees,  some raptors, and warblers are always present. We’ll look for early fall migrants and check out the waterfowl along the river.


Local Weekday Bird Walk at the Turtle Bay Arboretum

Meet trip leaders Sally NeSmith & Ashley Byers (831-535-2888) at the Carl & Leah McConnell gate (Arboretum Drive off of North Market) for a meander through the Arboretum, over the Sundial Bridge and back along the river trail. Several types of Woodpeckers, Towhees, Goldfinches, and Warblers will be observed as well as the nesting Osprey family. Red-shouldered Hawks, Wood Ducks and the Common Yellowthroat may be present.


Local Weekday Bird Walk at Mary Lake

Mary Lake is a delightful neighborhood lake in West Redding. Meet trip leader Sally NeSmith (831-535-2888) at trail head on Lakeside Drive (right past Ridge Drive). Waterfowl are always present, with raptors, herons, egrets, and early migrants. Part of the walk was burned during the Carr Fire, so it will be interesting to see which birds are around now.