Northern Saw-whet Owl
What do you know about Saw-whet Owls? If you’re like most of us, probably not much. But
these little birds are all around us, year-round, fighting out their fierce lives in our forests and
woodlands. Come learn about these neighbors from Ken Sobon, director of the Northern Saw-
whet Owl Research and Education Project in Northern California.
Ken Sobon is an avid birder, field trip leader, Vice President of Altacal Audubon Society, and is
now the Northern California representative on Audubon California board of directors. For the
past five seasons he has been the Director of the Northern Saw-whet Owl fall migration
monitoring project. In addition, Ken has been a science teacher to middle school students in
Oroville since 1995. He has shared his love of science and birding with his students both in the
classroom and in field.
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