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Supporting Beneficial Birds and Managing Pests

Western Bluebird Female

Jo Ann Baumgartner will address the vital importance of promoting biodiversity, the significant role that birds play in controlling pests, and provide suggestions of ways that we can encourage beneficial birds and insects on our farms and in our gardens year-round. If pest birds are a problem, they can be discouraged with specific practices during the shorter periods when they cause damage.
Jo Ann is the Executive Director of Wild Farm Alliance. She is the author of many publications on the intersection between biodiversity conservation and agriculture, including beneficial birds.

Wild Farm Alliance (WFA) works to promote a healthy, viable agriculture that protects and restores wild nature. WFA has spent the last 20 years addressing the current biodiversity crisis by helping farmers incorporate habitat to support wildlife and take advantage of the myriad of benefits nature can provide. More information at Wild Farm Alliance.

Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81336239381?pwd=YzBSZDBCSkRsQ0E4L3ZwQ0xoM3JZUT09

Meeting ID: 813 3623 9381
Passcode: 775191
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Meeting ID: 813 3623 9381
Passcode: 775191
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd2FNa5IP6


Ryan Kieffer: Get to Know Your Local Birds!

Peregrine Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count (CBC) has those experts who can help bring us a step closer to our goal to bird identification. Join us on Tuesday, December 15 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom when Ryan Keiffer will point out distinguishing field marks of our Ukiah area birds. He will discuss and illustrate the sparrows and finches, jays and blackbirds, ducks and waders, as well as the raptors, the hawks and owls, all in living color.

Zoom in with your tough questions for the experts. What birds can I expect in my back yard this winter? How do sparrows and finches differ? Is it really possible to see eagles in the Ukiah Valley? What are the ducks and gulls at Lake Mendocino? Anyone interested in bird calls? Our speaker can help with that too.
Peregrine Audubon  offers help in the field. Beginners and experienced birders will benefit at the Zoom Meeting on December 15 meeting at 7PM and the sign up for the CBCount which takes place on Saturday, December 19. Ryan will explain how the Christmas Bird Count is going to work in this age of a pandemic.
Yard-birding has become much more popular this year and we are hoping this will be a way for many of you to safely participate in the Christmas Bird Count. A Tally Sheet showing expected species and those requiring further documentation will be available to those birding from home. We ask that you get your tally sheets to your area leader within 24 hours after the count! Certain area leaders might be willing to delegate birding regions to individuals if you reach out to the area leaders themselves, or contact Ryan Keiffer. Above all, you must follow all local Health Orders, maintain social distancing, and proper masking.

Ryan will also give a presentation that he, Bob Kieffer and Matthew Matthiessen have put together over the last few years.

Many  of us will be counting at home this year if we live within the 15-mile diameter count circle (which includes Ukiah). By all means, contact Ryan Keiffer (707-671-5834) or Bob Keiffer (707-744-1160) for details.

Join Zoom Meeting Info.


Meeting ID: 818 0464 3206
Passcode: 167994
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 818 0464 3206
Passcode: 167994
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcpEtPWzuh

This Peregrine Audubon sponsored presentation is free to the public, though donations will be welcome. To join Peregrine Audubon Society please send $20 to PAS, P.O. Box 311, Ukiah, CA 95482. For more information, news letter and programs on a wide variety of topics related to birding in Mendocino County please go to www.peregrineaudubon.org.


Audubon Northern California Council Meeting Members Share Information and Experience

Northern California Audubon Council 2015

2015 Audubon Northern California Council

The event began with a leisurely bird walk around Lema Ranch, where 14 of the 25 attendees found 41 species in a little over an hour, including two Snowy Egrets previously not on the Lema Ranch Bird List! They returned to the beautiful meeting room at the McConnell Foundation headquarters to find a continental breakfast waiting for them as they tallied their list.

The meeting was kicked off with an enlightening report on the “Status and Nesting Ecology of Purple Martins at Shasta Lake” from our resident fisheries and wildlife biologist and long time Wintu Audubon member, Len Linstrand. Several questions followed regarding the largest of the Swallow species and the possible effects of the raising of Shasta Dam.

Daniela Ogden, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications for Audubon California, gave us an enlightening summation of all the social media opportunities we all may be missing and why they are so important. Her presentation was a call to action for all of us to increase our online presence, thereby increasing the possibility of gaining more chapter members.

Desiree Loggins, Chapter Network Manager, followed with important updates from Audubon California. We are so fortunate to have such an active state organization with great leaders like these.

There are eight chapters that comprise the Northern California Council and seven of those chapters had representation at this meeting. Fortunately we also had a guest speaker from Yolo Audubon Society to give us insight into a recent proposal to create an “Inner Coast Range Conservancy.” Chad Roberts, Yolo’s Conservation Chair, gave an intriguing presentation supporting legislation to create a conservancy to protect this globally significant area which includes world renowned geological, biological and cultural resources; a national monument; and many large, pristine areas that are open for public use. The reaction from the members to his proposal seemed to be unanimously positive.

Our President, Chad Scott, and Plumas Audubon’s Outreach and Education Coordinator, Teresa Arrate, reported on “Chapter Incentives and Programs on Birds and Climate Change.” Important to this endeavor is being active with Audubon Works. There are many resources we can use to further our conservation efforts.

The catered lunch was followed by highly energetic reports from the attending chapters with lively conversation on some very important topics. I think that all participants had some excellent input on ways to increase membership, create a more collaborative organization and steer clear of some possible pitfalls while we try to make the most out of our abilities to conserve our wildlife and wild lands for future generations to enjoy.


In the photo from left to right: Chad Scott, President Wintu Audubon; Teresa Arrate, Outreach and Education Coordinator, Plumas Audubon; Dan Greaney, Education Chair, Wintu Audubon; Linda Aldrich, Program Chair, Wintu Audubon; Ryan Keiffer, Peregrine Audubon Member at Large; Esther Cox, Past President, Wintu Audubon; Connie Word, Treasurer, Wintu Audubon; Janet Wall, Conservation Chair, Wintu Audubon; Jeanette Carroll, Recording Secretary, Wintu Audubon; Dave Jensen, President Mendocino Coast Audubon; George Horn, Membership Chair, Wintu Audubon; Desiree Loggins, Chapter Network Manager, California Audubon; Chet Ogen, Board of Directors, Redwood Region Audubon; Jennifer Patten, Program Chair, Altacal Audubon; LeAnn McConnell, Treasurer, Altacal Audubon; Chad Roberts, Conservation Chair, Yolo Audubon; Bill Oliver, Newsletter Editor, Wintu Audubon; Catherine Camp, Conservation Chair, Wintu Audubon; Beth Brockman, Finance Committee, Wintu Audubon; Ken Sobon, Vice President, Altacal Audubon; Daniela Ogden, Associate Director of Marketing and Communications, Audubon California; Larry Jordan, Webmaster, Wintu Audubon; and Rebeca Franco, Education Chair, Mount Shasta Audubon