Tag Archives | raptors

Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

We are scheduling our first 2025 Saturday visit to the ponds targeting waterfowl, shorebirds and wintering passerines. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am sharp to meet your leader, Larry Jordan. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good. Directions to the Clear Creek Plant: Take Hwy 273 south, after crossing Clear Creek and past the Win-River Casino, take the second left turn at River Ranch Road and cross over the railroad tracks. Turn left on Eastside Rd. Entrance is at 2200 Metz Road on the right. Rain cancels. Questions contact webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org


Nur Pon Open Space

Join Shasta Birding Society for a bird walk around Nur Pon Open Space. Nur Pon, or “Salmon Run” in the Wintu language, was once known as Henderson Open Space before the City of Redding and numerous other agencies began a restoration project that established a side channel along the Sacramento River for salmon spawning. The parkland has been cleared of debris, much of the non-native vegetation has been removed and the area fenced and secured. This easy walk of approximately 1.5 miles should take about three hours to identify the birds of river and oak woodland. Hiking boots are recommended for the river cobble areas. Nur Pon is off Hartnell Avenue at the intersection of Parkview Avenue and Henderson Road on the east side of the river. Note: dogs in the park are off leash. For more information email webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org


Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Outing

The Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge is a national gem, well worth the short, 90 mile drive to Willows. Enormous numbers of waterfowl fill the sky and the impoundments in fall and winter. Snow, Ross’s and Greater White-fronted Geese, Northern Pintails, Northern Shovelers and Gadwalls are assured. Possibilities are White-faced Ibis, Green-winged and Cinnamon Teal, Black-necked Stilts and various raptors, including Bald Eagle and Peregrine Falcon. We will begin the morning walking the two mile Wetland Walk Trail next to the visitor center, then drive the auto tour route, stopping at the observation platform for lunch. We will provide 2-way radios to report sightings to all vehicles along the way. Meet your leader Larry Jordan at 6:30 am sharp at Kutras Park on Park Marina Drive to carpool or at the visitor center at 7:45 am, and bring a lunch for this full-day trip. Fees to enter the refuge are $6 per car for the day. Most carpool drivers have senior lifetime passes and can enter for no additional fee. For more information email webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org


Gray Lodge Wildlife Area

Gray Lodge’s diversity and location along the Pacific Flyway make it a haven for wildlife. Surrounded by miles of rich agricultural lands, the approximately 9,100-acre area is managed for the wildlife that call Gray Lodge home for all or part of the year. Reflective ponds, grassy fields and wooded riparian areas provide food, water and shelter for more than 300 species of resident and migrant birds and mammals. Meet at the Kutras Park parking lot at 6:30am sharp to carpool or at parking area 14 at the refuge at 8:30am. Bring a lunch and water as this is an all day event. It is not unusual to see over 50 species of birds at this location and is the only place I know to commonly find all three “Teals”. We will traverse the walking trail around the ponds, to the viewing platform and back to the parking lot. Following lunch we will drive the auto tour loop. Questions? Contact Larry Jordan at webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org

Gray Lodge Public Access Map

CDFW Lands Pass must be in possession by each visitor who is 16 years of age or older, however, visitors who are in possession of a valid California hunting or fishing license in their name are exempt from this requirement. Lands passes may be purchased on-line, by phone at (800) 565-1458, or in-person at locations wherever hunting and fishing licenses are sold. They are also available in the parking area at Gray Lodge for $4.50. Here is a link to the bird list: https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=88006&inline


Churn Creek Open Space

Let’s go birding! Whether you are a seasoned birder or are newly interested and curious about birds, our friendly group will guide you on an easy walk through one of Redding’s largest open spaces. The trails along Churn Creek feature gently rolling hills with oaks and pines, open grasslands, and a lush creekside along the length of the area. 

Meet at the Parking Lot at 7:30 am. The parking lot is on the corner of Tidmore Ln. and Dakota Way, just south of College View Dr. The path is gravel and dirt. There are 2 loops to the trail, both about 1.5 miles, for a total of about 3 miles. We encourage everyone to go the distance with us, but you are, of course, free to cut out when you need to. Please dress in Iayers, and bring sun protection, water, and a light snack for yourself. The closest bathrooms at Lema Ranch or the Student Marketplace on College View Dr.

GoogleMaps link: Churn Creek Trail Parking