We are again scheduling a visit to the ponds targeting waterfowl, shorebirds and migrating warblers. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am to meet your leader, Larry Jordan. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good. Directions to the Clear Creek Plant: Take Hwy 273 and look for River Ranch Road after crossing Clear Creek. Cross over the Railroad tracks and turn left on Eastside Rd. Entrance is on Metz Road on the right.
Tag Archives | raptors
Birds of Northern California
Our webmaster, Larry Jordan, will be offering “The Birds of Northern California” as our September presentation. Larry was monitoring nest boxes back in 2008 when he joined the Wintu Audubon Society. He also joined the California Bluebird Recovery Program as the Shasta County Coordinator around the same time. With the help of our Audubon members, and others, we now monitor over 70 nest boxes in Shasta County!
Larry actually became interested in birds back in 2007 and started his blog – “The Birders Report.” When he started the blog he had no way to take photos for his postings so he tracked down some of the best bird photogs he could find and asked for permission to use their photos. By the summer of 2008 he was taking his own photos for the blog. This presentation is basically a slide show of over 300 of his photos. We will be discussing bird identification and any other birding topics that come up with audience participation.
Birds of Northern California: Sep 8, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time
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Hawks in Flight ID with Russ Namitz
With practice and experience, one can quickly separate different groups of raptors based on flight style, gestalt and plumage characteristics. Learn some tips and tricks about raptor identification on the wing, raptors at a distance and some local raptor viewing spots to practice your skills.
Russ Namitz was born and raised in Lincoln City, Oregon. At age 9, he was captivated by the furtive Pacific Northwest denizen of dank woods, the Varied Thrush. With a few stepping stones along the way, Russ really began actively birding the summer after graduating from Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR. His first, of many seasonal biology field jobs to follow, was searching for nesting Northern Goshawks in the Okanogan NF in Washington. In 2002, Russ finally took an Ornithology class, coincidentally from Humboldt State University. He enjoyed a year of birding in the area, meeting local celebrities and rubbing elbows with the talented birders and riff raff (sometimes the same people) in the area. Russ is a pelagic bird guide for Oregon Pelagic Tours and currently holds the Oregon Big Year record of 381 species.
As The Nest Turns: The Continuing Saga of the Redding Eagles
Terri Lhuillier will share the continuing saga of our famous Redding Eagles as she begins her 17th Nesting Season closely monitoring the local bald eagle pair. Terri has been following “Liberty” for 17 years since the bald eagle pair first arrived & built a nest at Turtle Bay in Redding back in 2004. She has spent numerous hours observing, documenting & photographing Liberty with her 3 mates as they successfully raised 22 eaglets from egg to fledgling!
Terri will discuss how her passion for eagles has grown over the years and how now, she and her husband Dave, monitor seventeen bald eagle nests in Redding, Anderson, Palo Cedro, Red Bluff and Corning. Terri and Dave document annual nesting data for the nests which they share with several Fish and Wildlife and Whiskeytown biologists to help them monitor the local bald Eagle population.
Wintu Audubon Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: As The Nest Turns: The Continuing Saga of the Redding Eagles
Time: Jan 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 915 0064 4744
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A Beginners Guide to the Hawks of Shasta County
Bob Yutzy will present a visual guide with commentary covering the main identification features of our local Hawks. Photos will be used to show the various plumages and phases of these magnificent flying machines.
Bob is the North American Birds sub-regional editor and eBird Reviewer for Shasta County, and our local County Checklist Chairperson. He and his wife Carol are compilers of the Fall River Mills CBC, and have been completing hawk count and breeding bird routes in Southeast Arizona and California for over 30 years.
Here is the information for the meeting:
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Meeting ID: 892 0083 5402
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
Meeting ID: 892 0083 5402
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kEaS