Tag Archives | shorebirds

Second Saturday Bird Walk at Clear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

We are again scheduling a visit to the ponds targeting wintering waterfowl and very early migrating shorebirds. We hope that the winter rains will provide abundant open water and muddy shorelines for these species. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am to meet your leader, David Pluth. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good. Directions to the Clear Creek Plant: Take Hwy 273 and look for River Ranch Road after crossing Clear Creek. Cross over the Railroad tracks and turn left on Eastside Rd. Entrance is on Metz Road on the right.


Wintu Audubon Outing to Arcata Marsh

We will gather at the Arcata Marsh Interpretive Center parking lot to meet trip leader Bill Oliver. Many participants on this trip spend the night in Arcata to meet there in the morning. The 307 acre Arcata Marsh and Wildlife Sanctuary integrates the City of Arcata’s wastewater treatment plant with 5 miles of walking paths through freshwater marshes, salt marsh, tidal sloughs, grassy uplands, and mudflats. Many shorebirds and migrants along the Pacific Flyway are seen here. Call Bill @ 941-7741 for more information.


Local Weekday Bird Walk
 at Clear Creek Waste Water Treatment Ponds

Green-winged Teal Drake

We are again scheduling a visit to the ponds targeting wintering waterfowl and very early migrating shorebirds. The abundant winter rains should provide abundant open water and muddy shorelines for these species. Assemble at the Treatment Plant’s Administration Building at the end of Metz Road at 8:00 am to meet your leader, Matt Gould. This is a 1/2-day trip that may end in the early afternoon if the birding is good.
Here are the directions to the Clear Creek Plant. Take Hwy. 273 and look for River Ranch Road after crossing Clear Creek. Cross over the Railroad tracks and turn left on Eastside Road. The entrance on Metz Road is on the right.