Tricolored Blackbird by David Bogener
This month Dan Airola will provide recent status information on the Tricolored Blackbird and Yellow-billed Magpie, two Central Valley species that have declined substantially in recent years. Blackbird population loss has resulted from habitat loss, nest destruction during agricultural harvest, and loss of insect prey due to insecticide use. The successful proposal to list the species under the state Endangered Species Act sparked research and conservation programs. Dan recounts this recent history and the successful efforts that have resulted in modest but important population increase. The population of the state-endemic Yellow-billed Magpie declined by over 80% in California since the arrival of West Nile virus in the early 2000’s, and did not develop resistance, unlike some other species. Dan’s recent studies reveal key habitat relationships and an apparent incipient recovery in the sizable urban Sacramento population.
Dan Airola is a Wildlife Biologist and Ornithologist who has worked for over 40 years in research and conservation of at-risk species birds in Northern California. In addition to long-term research on the tricolor and magpie, Dan maintains a 30-year study of Sacramento’s Purple Martins and has also studied Swainson’s Hawks, Turkey Vultures, Osprey, fire-adapted forest species, migrant songbirds, and diving ducks. Dan also serves the Central Valley Bird Club as a Director, Conservation Chair, and editor of the journal Central Valley Birds.
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Topic: Status of the Tricolored Blackbird and Yellow-billed Magpie
Time: Nov 8, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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