Tag Archives | warblers

Red Bluff Recreation Area, US-MNF

Location of where we will meet: 1000 Sale Lane, Red Bluff, CA. at the upper-level parking lot. South end of Sale Lane next to the Sacramento River Discovery Center. 

Walking distance estimated at 2-2.5 miles (3-4 km), and most of the trails are level and paved.

Please join us on a journey with many trails at this very diverse public land with no fees. Sacramento River bisects 488 acres, at this Recreation Area of riparian forest, flowering grasslands, wetlands, and oak woodlands providing very diverse natural viewing experiences. This location is Tehama Region’s number one eBird’s hotspot. Ideal spot for migratory species in the fall and spring seasons. Also, a great home for many varieties of Sparrows, Warblers, Wrens, Woodpeckers, Waterfowl, and Wading Birds. Both the Acorn and Nuttall’s Woodpecker, California and Spotted Towhee, House and Bewick’s Wren, Yellow-billed Magpies and Phainopeplas are often found here year-round.

Recommend that you bring comfortable rugged footwear, plenty of water, snacks, and insect repellant.

Rain will cancel this event, and feel free to email me to confirm on any possible cancellations.

Trip Leader: Dan Bye, contact me by danbye56@gmail.com for more information.


Churn Creek Open Space

Let’s go birding! Whether you are a seasoned birder or are newly interested and curious about birds, our friendly group will guide you on an easy walk through one of Redding’s largest open spaces. The trails along Churn Creek feature gently rolling hills with oaks and pines, open grasslands, and a lush creekside along the length of the area. 

Meet at the Parking Lot at 7:30 am. The parking lot is on the corner of Tidmore Ln. and Dakota Way, just south of College View Dr. The path is gravel and dirt. There are 2 loops to the trail, both about 1.5 miles, for a total of about 3 miles. We encourage everyone to go the distance with us, but you are, of course, free to cut out when you need to. Please dress in Iayers, and bring sun protection, water, and a light snack for yourself. The closest bathrooms at Lema Ranch or the Student Marketplace on College View Dr.

GoogleMaps link: Churn Creek Trail Parking


John Reginato River Access Trail

Peregrine Falcon

Join us for a walk in the shade of the big oaks along this Sacramento River trail. This is a great place to see a large variety of the year round resident birds like wrens and towhees in the dense, shrubby vegetation, various woodpeckers in the oaks, and birds of prey on the open river – eagles, osprey, and if we’re lucky, maybe a Peregrine Falcon. This time of year we expect migrating warblers as well.

Meet at 7:30 am Saturday morning, September 14th, at the canoe, kayak and raft launch at the John Reginato River Access at 3810 South Bonnyview Road. This area is also known as the South Bonnyview boat ramp. We will spend about two hours walking less than two miles on a rocky path with river cobblestones.  Hiking boots are recommended.  There is a port-a-potty at the boat ramp.

Contact trip leader Larry Jordan at webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org for more information.


Lema Ranch Bird Walk

Join Shasta Birding Society for a bird walk around Lema Ranch on Saturday, November 2nd at 7:30 am. We will be birding the oak woodlands and ponds at the Ranch on fairly level paved paths. We will bird Leah’s loop beginning at the main parking lot. This two mile paved trail overlooks Secluded Pond and Hidden Pond. The trail offers excellent views of Lema Pond, the largest pond on the site, and Leah’s Pond. We expect some late summer birds as well as migrants and a variety of waterfowl. Park and meet your leader, Larry Jordan at Lema Ranch main parking lot at 610 Armando Avenue off Hemingway Street.  Questions? webmaster@shastabirdingsociety.org