Tag Archives | waterfowl identification

Waterfowl Identification

Have you ever had trouble identifying a duck flying overhead at your favorite lake or river? Can you ID flocks of birds as you scan an open waterway at Turtle Bay or the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge? If you’d like to learn more about identification of our local waterfowl you won’t want to miss this presentation.
Welcome Mike Carion, a retired Chief of Law Enforcement for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and a former Wintu Audubon board member. He got his degree in wildlife management from Humboldt State and spent thirty-two years as a game warden of various ranks, training all of the wardens in many areas including waterfowl enforcement. He retired in 2014 then assisted Hawaii Department of Wildlife in the development of a training academy for wardens and began working for Ducks Unlimited until July of 2020 when he officially retired again and moved to Hawaii with his wife Nicole and started an Audubon group there. Mike’s presentation will cover how to identify the species of ducks and geese most likely to be found in Shasta County and surrounding areas. He will discuss helpful identifying characteristics of these waterfowl to narrow down the possibilities we encounter in the field.
Wintu Audubon Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Waterfowl Identification
Time: Jan 11, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Waterfowl Identification

Wintu Audubon presents a night of Waterfowl ID tips by Mike Carion. Mike is a retired California Fish & Wildlife employee known for his expertise on waterfowl. He will focus on the waterfowl species found in the Shasta County area with helpful ID tips including field marks and calls! This refresher will help you identify these migratory waterfowl as they build up in numbers during their annual migration to the Sacramento Valley and parts beyond. If you love to watch waterfowl but need some helpful ID tips, please join us!


Waterfowl Identification

Michael Carion is a retired Chief of Enforcement for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Mike has had a life-long passion for waterfowl and has taught waterfowl identification and enforcement techniques to California Game Wardens for over 25 years. Come learn basic techniques to help identify the waterfowl found throughout California. His PowerPoint presentation will start with basics and then focus on field identification marks to help identify the numerous species of waterfowl found throughout California.