Wintu Audubon will join BLM staff on a full day trip to Hog Lake. Join David Byers and Tim Kashuba to explore this new destination for Wintu Audubon members. Recently seen species include Tundra Swan, American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Greater Yellowlegs and Lewis’s Woodpecker! This walk includes a relatively flat 1/2 mile walk to the lake and another 1/2 to 3/4 mile to explore some of the vistas to the north. Bring your lunch and water. Participants are required to have proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and sign waiver. Meet at the Hog Lake Parking Lot at 7:30 am, approximately 10 miles east of Red Bluff on SR 36, 40.27898, -122.12182.
Participants are required to have proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and sign waiver.
Birds of the Bend List:
Sacramento Bend Map Brochure: