Tag Archives | Wintu Audubon

Wintu Audubon Fall River Valley Outing

Always a high species number destination, the Valley is a great place to see wintering raptors, various waterbirds and Sandhill Cranes. Meet your leader Larry Jordan at Kutras Park at 7:30 sharp to carpool. Be ready for a full day with a lunch and water. Dress for changing weather. East-county participants can join the group at either the Park and Ride at the intersection of Hwy. 299 and 89 at 9 am or the Fall River Vista at 9:30 am. Rarities are possible! Contact Larry for more information at 949-5266.


Family/Beginner Bird Walk at Turtle Bay

We invite beginners of all ages to our introductory walks on the first Saturday of each month. The walks begin at 9am and meet in the parking lot near the Monolith structure at the end of the Sheraton Hotel. Binoculars and field guides will be available to loan. Call Terri Lhuillier, 515-3504, for more information.


Birds of Southern Africa

Last September, photographer David Bogener and his wife Becky spent 23 fortunate days on safari in southern Africa. They visited camps in Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. For a biologist and a photographer it was, David says, “definitely a bucket list trip.” He will be sharing his crisp wildlife images from the trip including a few of the 140 life birds they recorded. Come learn of the African wildlife!


Wintu Audubon Outing to Burney Falls

Join us on a day journey to Burney Falls State Park. We will have opportunities to see Osprey, Bald Eagles, Steller’s Jays, Turkey Vultures, Robins, Crows, Hawks, Mergansers and the Park’s unique annual resident Black Swifts who flit in and around the falls themselves. The falls are full and beautiful in the spring! The walk will last for a couple of hours. Bring a lunch and enjoy the Park after the walk. Meet Wintu guides at the Kutras Lake Parking Area in Redding at 8 a.m., or meet at the Burney Safeway parking lot in Burney at 9:15 a.m. Contact Catherine Camp, 337- 6874 for more information.


2019 Whole Earth & Watershed Festival

Whole Earth & Watershed Festival

Wintu Audubon will staff a table at this all-day event celebrating the earth and sustainable living at Redding City Hall and Sculpture Garden. It is a free event with lots of activities for everyone. If you are available to help with staffing our table, please contact Bea Currie at 243-3955. For further information, check the Earth Day website: www.wholeearthandwatershedfestival.org