Xeronimo Castañeda is a Conservation Project Manager with Audubon California. His work with Audubon focuses on habitat restoration. enhancement, and multi-benefit management of Central Valley wetlands, agricultural operations, and groundwater recharge projects to benefit birds and people. Of special interest to Xeronimo is the tricolored blackbird.
In 1990 the Department of Fish and Game of California, based on significant decline in tricolored blackbird population numbers documented (DFG/ CDW) in the 1980s, added it to the published list of “Bird Species of Special Concern”. At this time the tricolored was added to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) list of Birds of Conservation Concern.
Current projects Xeronimo helps lead at Audubon are:
- protecting at-risk Tricolored Blackbird colonies,
- developing multi-benefit groundwater recharge projects in target regions to benefit birds and communities,
- coordinating spring flooding of private wetlands to support migratory shorebirds, and
- on-farm habitat enhancement using cover crops and through riparian restoration.
A native of California Xeronimo has lived and worked from Monterey to Arcata eventually finding his way to Sacramento. Away from work, Xeronimo spends time backpacking, riding bikes, cooking, and of course birding.
Topic: Saving Tricolored Blackbirds
Time: Oct 13, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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